Posts Tagged With: Breyan

Birthdays to Celebrate

The older children were all busy with school when we finally decided to get started with Josef and Jerid’s toddler training.

Lindsay was especially eager to get started, which only made me wonder what she had planned for the trip we would be taking together.

She did however still take time to play and snuggle with the babies.

I had the fun task of teaching little Jerid to talk,

but then again, so did everyone else.

He seemed to take forever to train. The arrival of the full moon didn’t help.

I did have Jerid all to myself when it became time for him to learn how to walk.

Lindsay taught Josef to talk. It didn’t seem like he was paying a lot of attention.

Training was not the only thing happening in the nursery.

Eliya and Mika both spend some time in the nursery playing with either the doll house or the oven. One of the boys often ended up in the toy box peeking out at everyone.

The only task left before it was time for birthdays was teaching Josef how to walk.

“Come to Mama, Josef!”

I’ve had a lot of practice training toddlers and this time it seemed like Josef wanted to learn.

We left it until the morning to celebrate birthdays the entire household were there to cheer on the birthday boys and girls.

Most of us still had not changed out of our Pyjamas but that didn’t matter.

Josef aged up receiving the Star Quality trait.

His twin Jarid received the Bookworm trait.

It was also time for Mika and Eliya to celebrate their birthdays.

Iselle and Lindsay did not seem to be in the mood to celebrate these particular birthdays and were both sporting their grumpy faces.

Mika received the Star Quality trait just like her little brother.

Followed by her twin Eliya who became the first family member ever to receive the Brooding trait.

After those birthdays were complete I made everyone pose for a picture before it was time for the Quads to celebrate their birthday. I think it turned out rather nicely. 😀

That evening it was of course time for the Quads to celebrate their birthday.

Akir aged up receiving the Family Orientated Trait. Akir wishes to be surrounded by family.

Breyan received the Hopeless Romantic Trait. She is hoping to become a Fashion Phenomenon.

Ryne received the Rebellious Trait, he wishes to Max all of the New Social groups.

Finally the last of the quads aged up. Iselle received the Charismatic Trait. She hopes to become Super Popular.

The Quads quickly organised a photo of themselves for me.

Afterwards they gathered together to say their goodbyes.

Even though their arrival had been overshadowed by events beyond their control they had been a welcome addition to the family.

With all four of them leaving home at once the house was going to feel very empty.

I was going to miss them.


BONUS PICS: Decided to put a few of my unused photos here because they are the type of pics that don’t really see much use.

Nice Face Akir! 😛

Iselle is really very pretty when I can overlook that some of the faces that she pulls remind me of her father. Out of the quads, Iselle was the one who ended up looking the most like Nick. I random roll all of the kids and dads traits so when Nick rolled mean spirited his fate was sealed.  😛

Dale and Josef being cute together. ❤

Pics of Eliya and Mika taken straight after their birthdays.

I am super thrilled with how these guys turned out.

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Home Once More

Although I had enjoyed my trip back to Hidden Springs I was happy to be back in my own house. I had missed everyone so much and I really wasn’t used to being away from them for any length of time. It was such a relief to be home.

Nothing much had changed in my absence.  My girls continued to entertain themselves. Mika taking advantage of the empty nursery to play at the table in there. The red blocks are still her favourites.

She had also continued to dance almost anywhere in the house. This time she was keeping Akir company in the rec area.

After spending so much time with the online version of the game Breyan decided to practice what she had learnt on the chess table we had tucked away in the gym.

She took the whole thing very seriously it was adorable.

It didn’t take her long to get back to her favourite activity and the chess table could just not compete with Breyan’s love of all things computer related.

Iselle was enjoying the slip’n’slide, something that I don’t think I have ever had the urge to try.

Breyan even tried it out. It was nice to see her outdoors enjoying the sunshine.

Iselle had become a regular fixture in the kitchen as she tried to make every dish imaginable.

Eliya was busy discovering just what she was capable of.

Dale and Ryne spent some time together watching television together despite their opposing traits. Though I do think that Dale was interrupting Ryne’s enjoyment of his favourite activity as he was continually trying to encourage Ryne to be more active.

When Dale wasn’t with me, work or spending time with one of the children he could usually be found doing an activity like this. I don’t know where he found the energy.

I prefered a much more sedentary activity along with the other bookworm in the house Akir.

The younger girls were making use of their very own fairy house . It was nice to see the little house recieving some use after being vacant for so long.

Dale and I were making sure to spend plenty of time together. Dale’s new work schedule meant that he was now home more often with fewer trips away, which I appreciated.

I was also trying to spend  time with Grandma and it seemed that she was trying to do the same.

Lindsay was planning to leave after a trip that she seemed determined to drag me along for but I had no desire to go anywhere until after the babies were delivered and trained so her plans had been delayed a little.

We spent a fair amount of time in the lounge room watching television but truthfully we barely paid any attention to what program was on and spent the entire time just talking.

I was starting to get rather large and had developed a distinct waddle.

But Dale didn’t seem to mind.

A sudden increase in back pain announced that babies were ready to be born.

Dale immediately freaked out on me and tried to take me to the hospital.

A quick look outside, the sound of heavy rain hitting our roof and the half hour it would take to drive into town convinced me that this birth was going to happen at home.

It was pouring outside and I had no desire to get soaked just to deliver in a hospital when I knew I was perfectly capable of having a home birth.

Dale eventually let me have my own way.

After a fair amount of pain it wasn’t long before I welcomed two beautiful baby boys into our home.

First born was Josef, who showed the potential to look very much like his father. He was born with the traits evil and clumsy.

Followed by his twin Jerid, who also received both the evil and clumsy trait. My evil/clumsy twins. ❤  Jerid seemed to take after my side of the family and also seemed to have an eye colour somewhere in-between Marcus’s almost white eyes and my brown.

A/N: I forgot to put Rhuarc back on the family tree when I moved Lucia into a new save. So this pregnancy and the next one (I kept forgetting) show what happens when Lucia has no parents in her family tree. Also, the boys traits were both random/locked in. I was surprised when rolling for the second trait that both boys ended up with the same two traits. 😀

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Growing Up

After delaying the twins training to attend the Festival the day before it was time to get started. Grandma was keen to help me out, so I was sure that it was going to happen fairly quickly.

While Grandma and I got started on the toddler’s training, the quads were busy enjoying their last day of childhood. They would be aging up at the same time as the twins. Breyan was indudging her love of computers, it is often difficult to pry her away from the machine.

Iselle was busy pretending to be a queen ruling her many subjects. The boys seemed to have dissapeared somewhere I hoped that they were not getting into too much trouble.

Lindsay took on the task of teaching Eliya how to talk.

After spending most of the previous day in each others company they seemed to have developed an understanding and Eliya’s training moved quickly.

I decided that walking would be where I started with Mika.

Like Eliya, Mika seemed to be learning quickly.

Grandma insisted  on training Mika to talk as well, she said it helped her get to know the little ones so much better.  Mika seemed to find learning to talk  a struggle.

Having spent less time with Mika, Lindsay also found Mika more challenging to train.

The pair of them eventually found a way to communicate and I now have two walking and talking toddlers.

With their training complete it was time for some birthdays……a lot of birthdays. Mika and Eliya were up first. I wasn’t surprised when Dale brought Mika up to the cake, out of the twins she seemed to be the one he had bonded with the most.

Mika aged up receiving the Eccentric trait.

Eliya aged up just after her sister receiving the Mooch trait.

Then it was time for the quads to take their turn. Getting them all lined up proved to be a struggle so they all aged up at different times.

Ryne aged up first receiving the Perfectionist trait.

Breyan received the Ambitious trait for her teen birthday.

Akir became Shy.

and finally Iselle became a natural cook.

Mika and Eliya loved being a little bit older and like their previous fairy siblings immediately started dancing.

So far neither of them is exhibiting Caraline’s love of the smustle but they are having a lot of fun.

I made the mistake of mentioning to Dale that I really needed to start working out again…. It’s been ages since I have done anything athletic and a couple of shots at the basketball hoop does not really count.

He had me in the gym so fast my head still hasn’t stopped spinning,

I’m not sure why he felt the need to yell? I’m not sure if I felt any fitter afterwards but I was definitely a little sore the following day,

After their birthdays the quads had separated and they were now engaged in a number of activities around the house. How they were choosing to spend their time highlighted their different  personalities. Ryne was happy watching a little television.

While his brother Akir was busy being far more active.

He still has a long way to go before he has mastered this skill.

Iselle spent some quiet alone time in the sandpit.

I think she enjoys being outside as well as the solitude, there is very little peace once you venture inside the house.

Breyan seemed to change very little when she aged up.

She can, nearly always still be found in front of her very loved computer.

Mika and Eliya after they finished their dancing were so tired from their busy day of toddler training, birthdays and fairy dancing that they asked their great-grandmother Lindsay for bedtime stories.

Unfortunately it was not possible for Lindsay to read to the two of them at the same time and Eliya eventually left to find someone else willing to read her first ever story at bedtime.

Dale was happy enough to read her a story.

I was pleased to see them spending some more time together.

Previously Dale had seemed to spent more time with Mika than  with Eliya. So it was nice to see a bond forming between the two of them.

A/N: I’ve been staring at this chapter for days now. Too many birthdays…Good enough…I guess. 😕

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Upset Tummies

With Mika and Eliya now safely arrived, and the spooky day festival in town we decided to take the kids to have a fun day out.

I enjoyed running into my son Andric’s little family. Andric wasn’t at the festival but his wife Alejandra and his son William were there enjoying the event.

I took the opportunity to get to know my grandson a little. Andric had left home a long time ago and it was nice to see that he now had a family of his own.

I  even noticed that little William has inherited his eye colour from both his father and me.

I even took William for a little walk around the festival grounds.

I eventually had to take William back to his mother when he started to fuss and I couldn’t calm him. He wanted his mummy.

While I was handing William back to his mother, Breyan and Iselle were still deciding on their costumes for later in the day.

Eventually it was decided that Iselle would be a Rabbit, while Breyan had decided on being a Tiger.

Meanwhile, Mika had taken a liking to Dale and she wasn’t about to let him go and Lindsay had disappeared somewhere with little Eliya.

After visiting with my grandson and his mother I went and found myself a quiet place to read. From there I could keep an eye on what my little ones were up to and hopefully stop any trouble before it started.

The quads had entered a pie eating contest together, I’m not sure who won in the end but it looked like they were having fun.

Although the pie seemed to disagree with Ryne’s poor tummy.

They all seemed to be in a competitive mood as they all tried out the apple bobbing as well.

Ryne seemed to be the most successful with this activity.

There were other members of the family at the festival as well. I found my daughter Egwene working at one of the booths. 😀

Dale also asked me to tour the haunted house with him.

Our reactions to this little adventure were a little different.

While Dale seemed unaffected and even a little disappointed with the haunted house, it totally creeped me out. I have no wish to try that out again anytime soon.

Overall the first half of the day had been wonderful. The rest of the day would have been too except a little unexpected encounter with Rolan that soured it all.

Lets just say that his attitude has not improved since he left home.

I am now very glad that he declined Dale’s invitation to help out a while back. I don’t know what I would have done with both Rolan and Crux with his mind reading in the same room but I’m sure it would have ended badly.

To finish off the day Dale had volunteered to take the quads trick or treating. They didn’t really need anymore of the sweet stuff and their costumes had long since been abandoned but they were keen to go.

Unfortunately, it soon became obvious that a couple of the kids had overdone it at the festival.

Ryne and Breyan, both still with the evidence of an earlier pie eating contest on their faces soon succumbed to their upset tummies.

Dale had to bring the four home early after failing to even knock on a single door. 😦


A/N: I had a few problems with my game at this point. Usually it all runs smoothly but I ended up with a new sims 3 file trying to shake out the bugs and then trying to get everyone looking like they did before the switch. I had major problems with one of my store sets, of course it was the Lullaby Set 😕 it wouldn’t load because I was missing a store patch which I wasn’t. Thankfully, redownloading the set from the store fixed that problem. Other things that occurred before the new file and save also included a Costume party thrown by one of Lucia’s kids,  every afternoon (on the same day) Lucia and Dale would be invited and for once I was going to let them go. I tried to get this day to work so many times. I think this one was Niella’s party, after they stood around for 8+ hours I gave up.

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Wake-Up Call

Dale and I brought home two little baby girls from the hospital. First born of the two was Mika who was born with the  Clumsy and Heavy Sleeper traits.

Followed by her twin Eliya who received the Loves the Outdoors and Athletic traits.

The twins settled in quickly, they both really enjoyed playing with the activities table.

The red blocks seemed to be their absolute favourite and I never saw either of them playing with any other colour.

With the twins happily playing upstairs, Grandma told me she had some birthday cakes organised downstairs.

I had known Jaem was ready to become a young adult but the second cake confused me.

“It’s mine”, Lindsay informed me, when she noticed my confusion.


“Mhmm. mine. It’s been a long time coming don’t you think?”

“I ….?”,  I was stunned. I hadn’t really paid much attention to my grandmothers aging before. I knew that she now was… but she hadn’t for so long that I had always taken her youth for granted.

“Time for some cake”, she told me patting my cheek before she moved away.

She walked over to Jaem and gave him a hug.

“I think it’s time for the both of us to get a little older, don’t you think?, Lindsay asked her great-grandson.

With Dale beside me, we all celebrated. Cheering and clapping and generally making too much noise. I wasn’t really in a cheering mood but I plastered a smile on my face and cheered. I’m sure I wasn’t fooling anyone.

It was something that I wasn’t prepared for, since when did my grandmother actually look like one? Until that moment I had never really thought of the possibility of losing her.

Still, I thought she looked wonderful.

Jaem aged up into a handsome young adult complete with a leaf beard. He received the dramatic trait for his final trait.

The quads arrived home from school shortly after the birthdays were completed.

After enjoying  some birthday cake they all immediately sat down and started on their homework. Neither Iselle or Ryne seemed to be finding it an easy activity.

I’ll admit that my grandmother’s birthday had upset me. I ended up spending the afternoon in the rec area drawing trying to take my mind of the days events.

It was bad enough when the children aged up into young adults ready to leave the house. I was going to miss having Jaem in the house, but I knew I would still be able to see him. To visit him if I needed or wanted to.

It was somehow worse when my grandmother aged up to an elder, she had been my the one constant in my life since childhood and suddenly she was aging.

Dale helped out by keeping the kids busy for most of the afternoon while still managing to be close by just in case I needed him.

I found the kids play and chatter soothing but I didn’t feel up to participating in their fun.

Dale finally stopped me in the kitchen to talk to me.

“Are you okay?”, he asked, his eyes full of concern.

I nodded, not trusting myself to say more. Dale pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

“Are you ready?”Dale asked when he pulled away, “Jaem is waiting for you in the lounge room”

“Yes” I said, taking Dale’s hand and walking towards the front room.

Jaem was waiting for me. I was going to miss him, he was certainly one of the most unusual of all my children. I remembered waiting for him to grow and how often he had surprised me even in a household as crazy as ours had been recently.

I gave him a final hug, and then it was time for him to go. As expected he was moving in with Malevin, I wasn’t sure how Aisling was going to react to that but the two boys had sure sounded excited about it.

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Brothers and Best Friends

Jaem and Malevin had become the best of friends. Although in some ways they were very different, they both got along well and it sometimes seemed like they were never apart.

Aisling: Seriously guys, this mutual admiration thing that the pair of you have going on is getting annoying.

Malevin: Did you hear something Jaem? My annoying twin by any chance…?”

Aisling: ………….

Jaem: Nope, can’t hear a thing..

Aisling: Ahhaha, you losers are too funny….

I knew it irked Aisling that the boys were spending so much time together, I hoped that she wasn’t feeling too left out.

Aisling took to spending a lot of time in the rec area. Taking out her anger on  the gaming system.

Sometimes that worked out well.

With Breyan and Iselle now aged up to children, Aisling no longer had the girls room to herself.

With the nursery now vacant it became a great place for Aisling to unwind and dance for as long as she wished.

If Malevin and Jaem were not involved in some type of solitary activity, they could usually be found together.

Jaem was proving to be the impatient member of the duo, he disliked having to wait his turn to use the wishing well.

It was almost guaranteed to make him grumpy.

My green boys are just too adorable. 🙂

Jaem was thrilled to finally have his chance to wish for happiness and even when you couldn’t see him Malevin was never far away….

I had delayed the twins birthday for a couple of days so that they could attend their prom along with their younger brother. Jaem ended up both the best and most under dressed student there when he refused to wear shoes with the new tux I had bought him.

After allowing the teens of the household attend their prom, it was time for Aisling and Malevin’s young adult birthdays.

Malevin followed in his nephew Crux’s footsteps when he rolled the Irresistable trait. He plans to max his influence with all three of the New Social Groups.

Aisling received the Angler trait and plans to create the Perfect Aquarium.

Afterward it was  time to say goodbye to my newly aged children.

I will miss them both but I know that will do well in whatever they decide to pursue.

The two of them organised a going away photo before they left just for me. They were keen to find their own place. I am sure that it will not take Jaem long to join them.

Breyan had been spending a lot of time at the home of Faith, one of her school friends. The two to of them spent a lot of time watching television, working on their homework or taking joy rides on the lounge.

Akir came home every night excited about being able to use the trampoline. He was often out there until it was time to go to bed.

Lindsay had been taking every opportunity to spend time with her great-grandchildren, especially at bedtime. The younger kids loved when she took the time to read to them.

Dale and I were now getting along better than we had in what felt like forever.

One thing though, the man never seems to tan?

While I was at least a couple of shades darker than usual due to spending so much time outside with the kids, Dale was still as pale as he had always been.

It didn’t take long for the results of the pollination to show themselves in the form of a tiny baby bump, it would not be long until I was once again waddling.

Throughout my pregnancy Dale and I made sure to spend plenty of time together.

Dale at least, seemed to be excited about the impending arrival and was showing a lot of interest in my newest bump. I think he was trying to feel as involved as possible, I certainly enjoyed the attention.

I been spending the day with my grandmother Lindsay when I finally went into labour,

I know she has been through labour plenty of times herself, so I’m not sure why she was freaking out.

I thought about asking Lindsay to drive me to the hospital, but it was one of those events that Dale always insisted on attending. I was always more relaxed  when he was there holding my hand.


A/N: I’m really not sure when the next update will be. For the first time…..EVER….I am out of screenshots for this save. In fact I need to replay Lucia’s entire pregnancy again because the game crashed on me. I’m hoping to get in-game tonight and just play, which will be nice for a change. Lucia now has only twelve children to go and I do have a couple of ideas for what will be happening next, I just need to time them all properly and also load up a new save so I can find Generation Three’s heir. Crux needs someone to torment (I have a tiny idea for that too). lol.

I also thought that you might all want to see what Malevin really looks like under all of that green.  Like Aisling he is mostly like his father feature wise, but he does have Lucia’s hair colour and the Young’s Grandparent Eye Colour. 😛

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Summer is Here

Shortly after becoming a teen Jaem discovered a new talent. We had both been working in the garden when he first showed it too me. Without warning.

The way he could replenish his energy was like nothing I had ever seen. Even Crux’s way of replenishing his brainpower had not prepared me for the moment when Jaem went underground and became a plant. He scared me when he had suddenly disappeared.

Thankfully, he didn’t disappear for long and I could finally relax.

He seemed far more energetic when he resurfaced.

For some reason the entire family suddenly wanted to be outdoors. Not that I could blame them, the weather was beautiful.

Jaem required constant rehydration, so he loved anything that involved water. Malevin also loved being in the pool, while I was busy working on my tan.

Malevin had been teaching himself how to dive. He had some very mixed results but it was all slowly starting to come together.

He also continued to disappear when he entered the water.

Dale had started to swimming laps in the pool daily as part of his new athletic routine.

Breyan loved to spend her day in the sandpit.

In fact the sandpit was suddenly proving to be very popular.

The slippery dip was also receiving a lot of love from both Breyan and Iselle.

I ended up in a game of tag with Ryne.

It involved way too much running for my taste, but Ryne seemed to enjoy it. 🙂

In fact all of my kids seemed determined to keep me active. Jaem dragged me out to the half court to shoot some hoops.

Malevin also spent some time out there on occasion. I had started to notice that my two oldest boys now seemed to have a lot in common.

Because it was summer, the slip’n’slide saw a lot of use.



and Dale all enjoyed it.

Akir was the only one who seemed to be inside more than he was outside. Usually with a book in hand.

I wasn’t surprised that  Grandma spent a lot of her time learning how to use our new science station. It was just the type of thing she had always loved.

Lindsay was also spending a lot of time getting to know her great-great-grandchildren.

I was especially happy that my children had the opportunity to spend some time with her.

Aisling, Malevine and Jaem were all being extremely helpful.

Most nights they would read to the younger children to put them to sleep.

I managed to spend some time drawing. The drafting table was a good place to watch the backyard, I often came here when I knew Dale was outside just to see him.

Today I could see Dale and Malevin talking outside.  The situation was still tense, I wanted everything to go back to the way it was before but I just didn’t know how it could.

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Snowman Scaring

We had delayed Aisling and Malevin’s birthdays for far too long and with the quads due to start toddler training I decided to age the twins up first.

Malevin aged up with the Charismatic trait .

Aisling received the Rebellious Trait.

Almost immediately it became apparent that aging Aisling up to a teen had been a good idea, as she loved looking after the toddlers.

She even helped me out with the toilet training which I really appreciated.

Everyone seemed to spend at least some time in the nursery.

Even Dale helped with teaching a couple of the quads to talk. He wasn’t around as much as he had been previously, suddenly he seemed to be very concerned about his small werewolf pack.  They often went out on small hunts and while I was happy that he and our sons were spending time together…..I missed him.

Thankfully all of the babies seemed to be quick learners because teaching four children at once can be hectic. Breyan was often happy enough playing on the activities table.

With four babies it is sometimes hard to care for each child in a timely manner. Iselle does have the cutest pouty face and I did occasionally leave her in the cot just a little bit longer than necessary just to see it.

Dale also found Iselle’s sad face irresistible.

It was nice to sometimes get a small amount of one-on-one time with the children. Ryne has one of the sweetest laughs.

He was so determined to learn to walk that he had mastered the skill in no time at all.

Finally, we were done. Four toddlers ready to become children.

Dale came home to help out with the birthdays.

Little Ryne was the first to take the step into childhood, he received the Shy trait.

Akir followed rolling the Bookworm trait.

Breyan received the Computer Whiz trait.

Iselle aged up received the Perfectionist trait.

After the quads had all become children it was time for a very special birthday.

Crux was finally coming into his full powers as a young adult. He received the Irresistable trait. I wondered what he was truly capable of.

With winter still in full force, the children started to spend a lot of time on snow related activities. Making snowmen became extremely popular.

Malevin seemed to take great pleasure in scaring the life out of anyone who made one, though.

No one was safe. 

I even went out to help Aisling finish one of her masterpieces.

I?also took the opportunity to get a little painting done. No toddlers = having some time to paint. 🙂

Now that Malevin was a little older, he and Dale discovered a shared interest in sports and the pair could often be found discussing and participating in various athletic  activities.

Malevin also loves to read. Something that he gets from me.

To make full use of his many fine traits, Malevin was also spending  a great deal of time working on his chess skill.

The following day, Crux graduated. When he finally made it back home he was so drained that he needed to regain his brainpower.

He looks handsome in his tux.

AN:  A interesting note that I read somewhere today. If your alien tries to grow a plant sim there is a chance that they will grow an alien plant baby instead.  Something else for me to try at a later date. 😀

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Nothing but Trouble – Part 1

I’ve made a huge mistake!

In hindsight I guess I should have realised that picking a dad from Queenstown was a bad idea…Its Dale’s hometown, he grew up here, any past that he has is here. How was I supposed to know I was about to walk into the middle of an old and unresolved rivalry?…

The babies are already toddlers and Dale still isn’t speaking to me, he’s also started sleeping in gym above the garage.

While I had been falling asleep in the nursery.

That’s not to say Dale hasn’t been great with the kids. Nothing there seems to have changed, he just seems unable or unwilling to talk about what happened, at least not to me. The only response I’ve been getting is “Not yet, Luc” or “We’ll talk about it later” and then we don’t. One thing though, he’s still here….

He was right there when the babies were delivered…I welcomed my third set of quadruplets, at the time I wondered if their arrival would improve things between Dale and I or just make them worse…so far there has been no real change.

First born was a daughter that I named Breyan was born with the traits Friendly & Loves the Outdoors.

My son Akir received the traits Absent Minded & Athletic.

Second son Ryne who was born with the traits Friendly & Couch Potato.

and finally a second daughter Iselle. Who was born with the traits Loves the Outdoors & Excitable.

It wasn’t until later when I really thought about it that I realised that up until the arrival of the newest quadruplets, Dale had been the only father from Queenstown. Loise and Alene’s dad was a genie, I’d found him in a bottle….. Malevin and Aisling’s dad may have been local, but he was a ghost like Malevin and who knew how long he’d been one.

Let me just say that my choice for the last father had not been my best, but it’s not like I had a clue that this one was going to cause problems. At least not until it was too late to change it….


It had all started out like any other day, Dale had once again been away and of course I was again looking for that next father. I had also realised that I had exhausted any means of getting pregnant while staying at home. I needed to be out in the community, it was the only way I was ever going to met anyone new.

His name was Nicholas Crawford and he said he was visiting family in town. He seemed nice enough, not that I was really worried about that but it makes it all easier.

We spent a fair amount of time just chatting we even made a couple of snowmen and an igloo together. It was a fun day.

When he kissed me I decided that I had been delaying the inevitable all day and I invited him to join me in the igloo.

It was only afterwards that I realised my mistake….

He’d known exactly who I was and worse he knew Dale. He had found me with the intent of causing problems. With his phone to his ear he made a call,  “Hey Dale. Its Nick, I just introduced myself to your girl…” Nicholas said grinning like a kid at christmas, “I can see why you like her so much.”

Even I could hear the response on the other end.  Nick covered the mouthpiece and whispered to me,”He sounds mad”

“Listen buddy, I’ve gotta go. Lucia looks a little mad at me.” he said as he hung up the phone.

“Why on earth would you do that!!” I screamed at him when he got off the phone.

“Because I could” Nick snarled, “maybe next time he’ll think before interfering in something that has nothing to do with him”

“I have no idea what you mean by that!”, I said.

“Oh I know, but he does”, Nick said pleasantly. “Let him know I’ll see him soon.”


A/N: Breyan and Ryne’s skin tone took me by surprise, I had been waiting for Rhuarc skin tone to skip for most of the first 50 or so kids…and it never did and then I read that it couldn’t so now….I’m confused.  😕

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