3.16 Prom

Over the next couple of the days I made sure to spend as much time with my girls as I could. 

The newest babies wouldn’t be too far away and when they did my time with the older children would be diminished.

They were all a little excited to be getting some new brothers and sisters.

Primrose would randomly stop to give me a hug.

When she wasn’t inside she was outside trying to overcome her fear of the slide.

Later in the evening the older girls were off to their prom.

While the girls were at their prom I received a surprise visitor.

Leo had decided to pay me a visit to see how I was going. He was a little surprised at how big I had become.

I was surprised when he kissed me and without allowing me to respond said he would see me later. It looked like Leo had taken our moment together far more seriously than I had.

When the girls came home from their prom they were very excited. Calla had danced with a boy that she liked and had even received her first kiss. While Ruby had become Prom Queen.

Unfortunately Maple’s night out had not gone as well as her sisters and she had even managed to be dragged into a fight. When she had got home she sat down in the kitchen and wouldn’t talk to anyone.

Bracken had been waiting for the older girls to get home, refusing to go to bed until one of them had read her a bedtime story.

Ruby agreed and it wasn’t long until Bracken was finally asleep.

The next morning I found Calla busy reading in the family room.

Bracken was happy playing with her favourite doll in the kitchen.

Moonbeam and Primrose discussed their plans for the weekend. Which if it all went well would include a trip to the fair.

Ruby was busy doing what Fairies do best, dancing.

I joined Calla and Moonbeam on the lounge turning on television to watch my pregnancy addiction – cartoons.

I was still watching television with the children when I finally went into labour. They gathered round to help and Ruby was really upset. Out of all of my daughters Primrose was the least excited about becoming a big sister.

Soon I had two new baby boys. Teasel who was born with the traits Athletic and Loves the Outdoors.

and Tangle who has the Artistic and Good traits.      

With the twin settled I went outside to look after the other new additions to the family, the chickens. A couple of days ago I had purchased a Chicken Coop. I still have no idea why as it just gives me one jobs I have to do each day and I don’t have enough time in the day as it is. The girls had promised they would look after our new pets but this stopped on almost the first day.

Inside Moonbeam was once again pretending she ruled an entire kingdom.

Calla was busy practising her magic.

and Ruby was in a mood and was busily fairy trapping the house.

Maple was finally ready to talk about the events of the previous evening.

Even having set numerous fairy traps when I had been a teen – I still don’t seem to notice when I’m the one who’s about to be tricked. Ruby had been in my bathroom rigging the traps in my showers.

and the trap she had set caught me completely unawares.

I don’t think turquoise is my colour.

Much better!

Ruby had made herself scarce when I emerged from the bathroom and only reappeared when Teasel had claimed my attention.

“Ruby! Did you trap the shower in my bathroom?

“Maybe? Are you mad?”

“Do I look mad!”



A/N: You may have noticed that Bracken and Primrose in these chapters are dual-occults. This was fine early on but when they became teens they would transform into wolves and I was unable to switch them back to their human form because there Fairy half was the dominant occult and their menus didn’t give any of their werewolf options. Eventually I used Nraas to strip away their werewolf occult trait. This is why they have the glowing eyes in the earlier chapters but lose it in their last. 😀

Categories: Generation Three, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “3.16 Prom

  1. Loved the shots of Primrose facing her fear of the slide. I haven’t seen that before. Teasel and Tangle are too stinkin’ cute! 🙂

    • They are! I loved them from the moment I aged then into toddlers! Plus, they have my favourite names do far this generation. Finally some more boys. There have been too many girls so far. 😀

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