Brain Power

It didn’t take long for Crux’s alien powers to manifest now he was a teen, it did take us a little by surprise. It seems that Crux no longer needs to sleep, all he needs to do rejuvenate his brain power (whatever that means?).

I may need to tell him not to rejuvenate at the kitchen table, Alene was a little annoyed with him interrupting her breakfast. Loise was unconcerned but Loise has abilities of her own.

Abilities that she does not hesitate to use. I sure am going to miss her and they way she can clean the entire house with just the wave of her hands. It saves me from having to clean everything myself. Our maid is useless. I wonder why I even continue to pay her….

We had all recently recieved new phones. Dale and I tried out one of the fancy new features.

Dale claimed the photo for himself, I only saw it for a brief moment but all seemed to work fine. Lets all forget the Lucia becomes Dale Fiasco shall we?….it all went well, really it did!!! P

It was the weekend so everyone had a little bit of time on their hands. Aisling, my star student made sure that she got her homework done early on and then spent most of the weekend reading in her room. With Loise and Alene leaving in the morning she was already starting to lay claim to their entire bedroom.

Jaem became one of the only kids to ever use the playground in the backyard.

He loved being on the lookout for anyone and everyone who walked past, if he was outdoors he was happy.

Jaem also like spending time in the pool, he was getting really creative in his use of the diving board.

That evening after everyone was tired and ready for bed, Alene and Crux where asked for bedtime stories by Jaem and Malevin.

They both helped out by putting their siblings to bed for the night. Which I appreciated.

Afterwards Crux challenged Alene to some baskteball.

Even after Crux demonstrated what she needed to do, Alene seem very unsure. I didn’t blame her.

Alene: Crux? This isn’t really my thing, maybe I should go back inside? You know, where its warm and more importantly inside!

Crux: Alene it’s easy, I’ll show you again.

Alene: Umm, yeah, that really isn’t going to help me a whole lot…..I still don’t think this is a good idea!

Crux: Just try it!

Alene: Okay, just one try. I better not fall on my butt….

Alene: Owwww! Crux, I’m totally blaming you!!

After Crux had finished embarrasing Alene on the basketball court, Alene returned inside to an activity she did enjoy. I doubt it will be long before she owns a piano of her own.

Crux however was obsessed and early the next morning he was once again to be found on the court.

Crux also had another obsession. He seemed to contantly be talking to the old mirror in the garage, and I swear that once I even heard it talk back….

After basketball and his encounter with the mirror Crux needed to restore his brain power, Alene will be relieved that it wasn’t at the kitchen table this time.

Afterwards he was back outside to spend the rest of his evening in the spa.

In the morning it was time for Alene and Loise to leave home. I was going to miss them and not just for Loise’s cleaning ability.

I gave my girls the hugs that I desparately needed, I’ll admit that their shared evil trait had me worried.

When I went back into the kitchen after they had left, I found this photo sitting on the kitchen bench waiting for me. πŸ™‚

AN: Just realised what the next chapter is supposed to be……why, oh why did I think that was a good idea? Oh yeah I remember….but that doesn’t mean I have to like it….. πŸ˜•

Categories: Generation Two, The Young Babies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Brain Power

  1. Aw I am going to miss the twins they have been my favorite kids yet, Crux has super cool powers! Jaem is so cute, wonderful chapter!

    • Thanks, I loved Loise and Alene too. Crux does have some interesting powers, it’s one of the problems with a BC that you never seem to get a big enough chance to explore all that they can do. πŸ™‚

      • I know, right? I’m always curious about the super’s powers but never seem to find time to really play with them.

      • Yep, exactly. Crux just moved out in game and I have no idea what he can do as an adult – I forgot to check…:( I barely even had a chance to try out anything with him in game.

  2. The twins turned out lovely. I’m all caught up again. lol.

    • I’m thrilled with how they turned out, and they both got their father’s lip shape so yay!!! Although I couldn’t seem to settle on a hairstyle for Loise, only certain hairs look good with that hair colour and I’ve nearly used them all. πŸ™‚

  3. o.o Anyways, that little note at the bottom has me curious. I have no idea what you meant about what you thought was a bad idea…I’m just going to guess. πŸ˜› Lucia running into an alien and getting abducted? Dale and Lucia calling it off on their engagement? Crux moving out? Bonehilda catching fire? lol

    Liked the update! I’m itching to play my own little alien as a teen now that I’ve seen some of what Crux can do…too bad that won’t be for a bit. Crux is a real looker. I’m still rooting for him to be the heir of the next story…but now I’m also kinda rooting for Jaem to be the parent of the heir. lol You have way too many interesting sims.

    • lol, maybe…maybe not. πŸ˜€ I still like the idea (sortof), I’m just dreading writing it. The pictures are just sitting there staring at me and I can’t think how to phrase it all but I had the same problem with Dale’s first chapter.
      Plus it has two distinct parts that can go in any order…so yeah…and I’ve had another idea to add on to the end of it all…because suddenly I like making finishing this all harder. πŸ˜•

      Crux ❀ I'm actually leaning towards him not being the heir, but keeping him around anyway. With his Alien need to procreate causing some issues for the heir (his last trait is OMG perfect for this!!). I think his Alien genetics would be very dominent, I'm going to need to test it all a bit first. I'm not sure yet…still mulling over some options.

      lol, Jaem is cute..he completely freaked me out last night when he suddenly became unplayable and I couldn't find him. Pain in the butt teenagers and their special powers. πŸ˜• The only thing I bothered researching about plantsims was how to get one, everything else has been a surprise.

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